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COVID-19 Update – New Zealand

Ready and able to support you in these difficult times

Further to our previous update, following the latest announcement by New Zealand's Prime Minister this afternoon, the COVID-19 alert level has been increased to Alert Level 3, and will rise to Alert Level 4 in 48 hours. Among the implications of this, non-essential businesses must now close.

Public security services have been identified by the government as an essential service, and it is our understanding that this includes licensed security services. As such, at this stage Optic continues to operate in support of our customers. We will also continue to provide the wide range of remote services we do now.

We have implemented measures to protect our workforce and minimise potential impacts of virus spread, and our people are following public health guidelines in relation to personal hygiene and physical distancing. Our technicians are carrying recommended Personal Protective Equipment, including face masks and antiseptic hand wash.

In addition, our staff will carry with them (on their mobile device) a formal letter from Optic that confirms that they are an employee and able to present as we continue to provide services to our customers where access allows.

We have instigated our working from home capability where appropriate across our New Zealand operations. Australia has not gone to this stage yet, but we will continue to monitor and update you as soon as we know more.

This is an ever changing, challenging time, and we thank you for your ongoing support. If you have any questions or wish to discuss plans as to how we work best in the coming weeks, please get in touch via +64 9 950 9990 or

Michael Maclean, Chief Security Officer

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34/203 Rooks Road 

Vermont, VIC 3133

Phone (Toll Free): 1300 72 98 72

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Optic Security Group (Auckland)

14 Amelia Earhart Avenue

Airport Oaks, New Zealand, 2022

Phone: +64 9 950 9990

After Hours: 0800 405 040

Optic Security Group (Wellington)

14 Kilbirnie Crescent, Kilbirnie

Wellington, New Zealand, 6022

Phone: +64 4 385 6663 (24 hours)

Optic Digital

222 Lambton Quay

Wellington, New Zealand, 6011

Phone: 0800 126 676

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Optic Security Group acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as First Peoples of Australia, and Māori as tangata whenua and Treaty of Waitangi partners in Aotearoa-New Zealand

© 2024 by Optic Security Group

Security Advisory


Be vigilant. There has been an increase in reports of false billing scams. If you have received an email with an invoice purporting to be from us, call your Optic Security Group contact person to confirm if it is legitimate. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s National Anti-Scam Centre has reported a 25% increase in losses incurred by Australians from false billing scams in the July-September 2023 quarter compared to the same period last year. This is despite an overall 16% decrease in losses across scam categories.


Payment redirection scams are the most prevalent type of false billing scams. These involve scammers impersonating a business or its employees via email and requesting that money, which usually is owed to the legitimate business, is paid into a fraudulent account. For further information, visit the National Anti-Scam Centre website at   


Optic Security Group will never advise a change of bank details via email. If you have received an email with an invoice purporting to be from us, call your Optic Security Group contact to confirm if it is legitimate.

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